Welcome to UPLIFT!
a growing movement of inspired co-creation, for a better reality for ourselves and for the next generations. It is a unique interdisciplinary gathering of visionaries and well known global pioneers of all fields of life: science, health, sustainability, environment, conscious business creativity, who have come together to discover what new possibilities can emerge when we unify our visions and actions for the greater good of us all. UPLIFT is a dynamic space of networks, from all fields of life and from all over the world, who unit to celebrate, share and create a world in which we will all love to live, and which we will be happy to leave behind. The intention and basic goal of UPLIFT is to contribute to the strengthening of the oness conciseness, an awareness in which the wisdom and skills of each individual (including you!) come together to create a healthier and more enlightened world. UPLIFT gives inspiration for more and more people from all over the world to be part of an active boundless space of respect and love between people and between people and the earth. Come now, This is the time to move together.
UPLIFT - background
was established by Bharat Mitra and Bavanni (Holy and Yoav Lev), the founders of organic India, as a festival of transformation in Byron Bay Australia. The festival, which took place in December 2012, has rapidly evolved into a global flourishing community of initiatives and events. In these gatherings - which gave rise to UPLIFT as a world movement, many visionaries participated: Dr. Bruce Lipton (cell biology science pioneer and the author of "The Biology of belief"), Anita moorjani (the author of "Dying to be Me"), Dr. Patch Adams (The Gesundheit Institute), Barbara Marx Hubbard (The shift network), Neurologist and brain surgeon Eben Alexander (author of "Proof of Heaven"), Foster Gamble ("Thrive Movement"), Dr. Vandana Shiva (physicist, economist and author), Dr. Christy Gardner and Dr. Joseph Mercola, Deva Premal & Miten, Jonathan Goldman (a pioneer in Sound Healing), Barbara Weizmann (President of LEAO), Mycologist Paul Stamets, Author Joan Borysenko, Rachel Parnet (Kids Right to Know), Guru Singh, Puja Swamiji, Xiuhtezcatl Roske-Martinez - youth environment activist (Earth Gardians), The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers represented by Agnes Emma Baker Pilgrim, Ihab and Ora Balha, Amir Paiss, Gil Ron Shema, Avishai Bar-Natan, Udi Benknaan, and many more. In a very short time, unique partnerships and cooperation's developed, in all fields of life-including projects that are dedicated to: cleaning rivers in India and cleaning water worldwide, empowering youth activists, conscious business leadership tutoring, inspiration for health and sustainability in the global level, guided reconciliation gatherings for peace in the middle east and support of tribal cultures worldwide.
Because of the special bonds between the UPLIFT founders and Israel, one of Uplifts first immediate actions was to establishing an UPLIFT center in Israel, coordinated by Ihab and Ora Balha. The purpose of the movement in Israel is to promote co-operation between scientists, academics, businessmen, technology experts and environment and peace activists - in order to create a better reality for ourselves and for the coming generations. Israel is a unique place filled with many challenges. If we can contribute to solving some of the burning issues here in Israel, we can do so around the world. This is an invitation to connect to a practical vision which is highly grounded in the basic dogma that there is no separation between the spiritual path and the material world. Together we all constitute a whole that is much greater than the sum of its parts. This is an invitation for visionaries, companies, organizations and networks of all areas to join forces not only locally but globally - with the hope that these global initiatives will later filter back and empower the activities here in Israel. This is an invitation for local communities who are interested in developing awareness and conciseness to co-operate together. The awaited change must be driven from within and not only on the surface. A true shift in conciseness which will inshalla light on us all. inshalla light on us all.